GAS & AIR 압축기 및 엔지니어링의 강자 Gas Power Service 엔지니어링 실적 Compressor Motor 진동분석 열교환기 Ingersoll Rand Parts 엔지니어링 실적 LANDFILL GAS LANDFILL-Chiller LANDFILL-Combined Cooler LANDFILL-Gas Buffer Tank LANDFILL-Gas to Gas Heat exchanger LANDFILL-Local control Panel LANDFILL-Reciprocating Compressor LANDFILL-Snubber Tank Air and Heluim-Air Boosting Compressors Air and Heluim-Chiller Air and Heluim-Colling Water Pump & Water Tank Air and Heluim-Cooling Tower Air and Heluim-Electric Power Station Air and Heluim-Engine Drive Turbo Compressors Air and Heluim-Fuel Tank Air and Heluim-Helium Boosting Compressors Air and Heluim-HP Air Dryer